Commissions 2021/22
Cafodd chwech artist – dau o Iwerddon, dau o’r Alban a dau o Gymru – eu comisiynu i greu chwe darn newydd o theatr ddigidol.
Tha sia luchd-ealain – dithis à Èrinn, dithis à Alba agus dithis às a’ Chuimrigh – air coimiseanan fhaighinn gus sia pìosan thèatair didseatach ùr a chruthachadh.
Bronnadh na coimisiúin ar sé ealaíontóirí– beirt as Éirinn, beirt ó Albain agus beirt ón Bhreatain Bheag – le sé phíosa nua shaothair digiteach a chruthú.
Six artists or partnerships – two from Ireland, two from Scotland and two from Wales – have received commissions to create six new pieces of digital theatre. The pieces will all be presented at a special online event this year, and afterwards on the Ceangal Cwlwm website.
Iwerdon | Èirinn | Éire | Ireland: Róisín Sheehy & Hilary Bowen-Walsh
Yr Alban | Alba | Albain | Scotland: Miriam Donaghey / Rebecca Donovan (shared) & Choirstaidh McArthur
Cymru | A’ Chumrigh | An Bhreatain Bheag | Wales: Karen Owen & Elis Pari
The Ceangal Cwlwm Commissions are selected by representatives from Prifysgol De Cymru/University of South Wales, Theatre Gu Leòr and Ollscoil na hÉireann Gaillimh/NUI Galway. The Ceangal Cwlwm collaborative partnership is supported by Prifysgol De Cymru/University of South Wales, Theatre Gu Leòr, Ollscoil na hÉireann Gaillimh/NUI Galway, Ealaín na Gaeltachta, Colmcille, Bòrd na Gàidhlig and an Taibhdhearc, with additional support from Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru.
(Hover over each artist to learn about their projects!)
Choirstaidh NicArtair
’S e neach-ealain ioma-chuspaireil, neach-gnìomhachais is neach-cruthachaidh susbaint a th’ ann an Choirstaidh Iona NicArtair, ag obair fon ainm-brannd Choirstaidhiona.jpeg. Ann an 2021, chaidh a h-ainmeachadh aig Duaisean Gàidhlig na h-Alba mar Tosgaire Òg na Bliadhna airson an obair a rinn i gus Gàidhlig adhartachadh air loidhne agus air a’ phrògram cloinne ‘A’ Chùil’, air BBC ALBA.
Choirstaidh Iona NicArtair is a multidisciplinary artist, small business owner, and Gaelic content creator, working under the handle of Choirstaidhiona.jpeg. In 2021 she was named at the Scottish Gaelic Awards as The Young Gaelic Ambassador of the Year, for her work to promote Gaelic on Social media, and Children’s art strand on BBC ALBA called ‘A’ Chùil’.
Miriam Donaghey
‘S e cleasaiche agus sgrìobhaiche le cinneadh measgaiche a th’ ann an Miriam Donaghey. Tha Miriam fìleanta ann an Gàidhlig agus tha i a’ dèanamh ceum ann an Iapanais aig Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann. O chionn ghoirid, tha i air ‘Teine’ a chluich ann an Eerie Isles leis an sgrìobhadair chliùiteach Kenny Boyle. Tha ùidh mhòr aice ann an gnothaichean daonnachdail agus àrainneachdail, agus earbsa aice anns a’ chuach aig a bheil sgeulachdadh sònraichte.
Miriam Donaghey is a Scottish mixed-race actor and writer. Miriam is fluent in Scots Gaelic and studies Japanese at Edinburgh University. She recently played ‘Teine’ in award-winning playwright Kenny Boyle’s Eerie Isles. She is passionate about humanitarian and environmental issues, and believes in the power and importance of unique stories.
Rebecca Donavan
Tha Rebecca Donovan 20 bliadhna a dh’aois, agus à Co. Chill Dara ann an Èirinn. Rinn i trèanadh le Acting Coach Scotland o chionn ùine ghoirid. Tha i cuideachd air obrachadh air The Small Hours aig an Tèatar Nàiseanta ann an Lunnainn. Tha ùidh mhòr aig Rebecca ann an Gaeilge/Gàidhlig agus tha i air a dòigh a bhith na pàirt den phròiseact seo.
Rebecca Donovan is a 20-year-old actor from Ireland, Co. Kildare. She has most recently trained with Acting Coach Scotland. Previous projects include The Small Hours at The National Theatre in London. Rebecca has a strong interest in Irish/Scots Gaelic and is excited to be taking part in this project.
Karen Owen
Bardd, golygydd a pherfformwraig 47 oed o Ben-y-groes, Dyffryn Nantlle. Astudiodd Fathemateg Bur cyn penderfynu dilyn gyrfa mewn newyddiaduraeth, a gweithiodd i Golwg, Y Cymro a BBC Cymru. Mae wedi perfformio ei cherddi ledled Cymru ac ar bum cyfandir, a threuliodd chwe mis yn byw mewn cwfaint tra'n ddarlithydd gwadd ym Mhrifysgol Fienna, Awstria. Mae'n athro cynganeddu ac yn ymweld yn aml ag ysgolion i gynnal gweithdai. Yn 2018, hi oedd enillydd Gwobr Goffa Llwyd o'r Bryn yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Caerdydd. Cyhoeddodd dair cyfrol o'i gwaith, a thair CD gan gydweithio gyda cherddorion a lleisiau adnabyddus. Enillodd wobr Llyfr y Flwyddyn (Barddoniaeth) yn 2012.
A 47 year old poet, editor and performer from Pen-y-groes, Dyffryn Nantlle. Karen studied Pure Mathematics before deciding to follow a career in journalism, and worked for Golwg, Y Cymru and BBC Cymru. She has performed her poems throughout Wales and on five continents, and spent six months living in a convent while a visiting lecturer in Vienna University. A teacher of cynghanedd, Karen holds workshops in Welsh schools regularly. In 2018, Karen was the winner of the Llwyd o’r Bryn memorial prize in the National Eisteddfod of Wales, Cardiff. Three volumes of her work have been published, and three CDs in collaboration with well-known musicians and voices. Karen won Book of the Year (Poetry) in 2012.
Elis Pari
Rwy'n dod o ardal Anelog, Pen Llŷn ac fe wnes i raddio mewn Theatr a Drama o Brifysgol De Cymru yn 2020. Dwi bellach ar fin gorffen gradd Meistr yn y Celfyddydau drwy Ymchwil sy’n edrych ar sut y gellir defnyddio theatr fel cyfrwng sy'n creu clymau cynhaliol a llesol yn ein cymunedau gwledig.
I come from Anelog, on the Llyn Peninsula, and graduated in Theatre & Drama at the University of South Wales in 2020. I am now completing an MA through Research where I’ve been looking at ways to use theatre as a medium to create bonds for support and wellbeing in our rural communities.
Hilary Bowen-Walsh
Is aisteoir, stiúrthóir agus scríobhneoir í Hilary. I measc na saothar amharclainne a luaitear lena hainm tá 'Smidiríní' (Mumbro Top), ‘Sruth na Teanga’ (Branar), ‘Mise, Mollser’(Amharclann na Mainistreach),‘The Travels of Jonathan Swift’ (Best Ensemble Irish Times Theatre Awards 2020), An Dara Réalt'(An Taibhdhearc), ‘Dorchadas Draíochta’ (Graffiti), agus ‘Luíse’ (Celia de Fréine).
Hilary is an actor, director and writer. Theatre credits include 'Smidiríní' (Mumbro Top), 'Sruth na Teanga' (Branar), 'Mise, Mollser' (Abbey Theater), 'The Travels of Jonathan Swift' (Best Ensemble Irish Times Theatre Awards 2020), 'An Dara Réalt' (The Taibhdhearc), 'Dorchadas Draíochta' (Graffiti), and 'Luíse' (Celia de Fréine).
Image credit: Aline Sene
Róisín Sheehy
Is file, drámadóir, rinceoir agus craoltóir í Róisín Sheehy. Tá duaiseanna Oireachtas agus Stewart Parker Trust buaite aici dá cuid saothar drámaíochta agus filíocht. D’fhoilsigh Coiscéim a céad leabhar filíochta Líomóidí ’s Rúbarb i 2021. Bronnadh Complacht Patrick Kavanagh uirthi i 2021. Tá Róisín an-tógtha le rince comhaimseartha. Tá Róisín ina cónaí i gCill Chainnigh. Is as Corca Dhuibhne ó dhúchais di. Chóirigh agus rinc sí i dtaispeantasaí éagsúla i nGaeltacht na Rinne, Corca Dhuibhne agus Pavilion Theatre, Baile Átha Cliath.
Róisín Sheehy is a poet, playwright, dancer and broadcaster. Her poetry and plays have been awarded Oireachtas na Gaeilge and Stewart Parker Trust awards. Her debut poetry collection Líomóidí ’s Rúbarb was published by Coiscéim in 2021. She was awarded a Patrick Kavanagh Fellowship in 2021. She lives in Kilkenny and is originally from West Kerry Gaeltacht. Róisín is invigorated by dance and has danced in various production in the Gaeltacht and Pavilion Theatre, Dublin.