Fàilte | Croeso | Fáilte | Welcome
Friday 13 September, Glasgow
Ceangal | Cwlwm is an initiative between Scotland, Ireland and Wales bringing together those involved in theatre-making in Scottish Gaelic, Irish and Welsh.
The fourth Ceangal | Cwlwm gathering will take place at Impact Arts in Glasgow on 13 September 2024. Click the button below to join the network and be notified of future events.
Panel II | Skills Needed for Theatre in Minoritised Languages
26 NOV, 2021 @ 11:45 AM
Speakers: Jeremy Turner (Artistic Director, Cwmni Theatr Arad Goch) Marianne Ní Chinnéide (National University of Ireland Galway) Geinor Styles (Artistic Director, Theatr na nÓg) Liz Carruthers (Theatre Director)
Panel III | Developing New Writers and New Writing
26 NOV, 2021 @ 1:45PM
Chair: Dr Róisín Ní Ghairbhí (Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick) | Speakers: Dr Branwen Davies (Sherman Theatre) Celia de Fréine (Scríbhneoir / Writer) Nia Morais (Writer) Elspeth Nic an Tuairneir (Actor and Writer)
Commissions Launch
26 NOV, 2021 @ 2:45PM
Chairs: Marianne Ní Chinnéide (NUI Galway), Muireann Kelly (Theatre Gu Leòr), Alice Eklund (Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru). | Artists: Ciara Ní É, Sam Ó Fearraigh (Ireland); Daibhidh Walker, Beth Frieden (Scotland); Chris Harris, Mari Elen Jones (Wales)
Keynote Lecture | ‘A Hundred Years of Gaelic Drama’
26 NOV, 2021 @ 5:30PM
‘Ceud Bliadhna air an Àrd-Ùrlar’ Keynote Speaker: Professor Michelle Macleod | Chair: Dr Lillis Ó Laoire (National University of Ireland Galway)
Panel VI | Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
27 NOV, 2021 @ 11:15AM
Chair: Dr John Caulfield (National University of Ireland Galway) | Speakers: Eoin Mc Evoy (Artistic Director, AerachAiteachGaelach) Andrew Ogun (Agent for Change, Arts Council of Wales) Mali Ann Rees (Actor) Mairi Taylor (Executive Producer, Birds of Paradise Theatre Company)
Panel VIII | Producing & Directing Theatre
27 NOV, 2021 @ 2:30PM
Chair: Laura Cameron-Lewis (Director and Postgraduate Researcher, University of St Andrews) | Speakers: Darach Mac Con Iomaire (Actor, Writer, Director) Rona Dhòmhnallach (Gaelic Arts Producer, Artist and Teacher) Elgan Rhys (Writer, Director, Producer)